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Make the Tyee Spit beautiful again; Remove freeloading campers: Letter

UPDATE: City community safety director says complaints generate action and compliance letters will be served to illegally-parked RVs

I took my dogs down to the spit in the evening for the first time, in a long time. I was disgusted at what I saw.

I counted 14 RVs (most in rough shape) along the side of the road.  Six pick ups and campers were in the parking lot.

All were hunkered in for the night. 

I approached a lady in a red pick up truck, who had all her camping gear sprawled out on the lawn, and was setting up her stove for cooking.

I told her... "It's looks like you are here for a while".  Her response... I 've been here for over a year.

"You know there is no overnight camping?" was my reply.

"They let me stay here."

When I asked who "They were" she backed away and stated "I do not want to go there"

I told her she was nothing but a freeloader, and if the city is allowing this to happen, then out of respect for taxpaying citizens, then overnight campers should at least be paying something for their use of space, toilets, garbage and more. Thunderbird Park is looking pretty empty. I wonder why?

A neighbour and friend who frequents the spit twice daily mentioned that one of the RVs had been there for three years. Why has this been allowed?

The busy season down at the spit is upon us. The Tyee Club fishing. Will there be parking? Will they have to deal with all the bird shit from people feeding them right under the "Do not feed the birds" signs? Will they have to deal with off leash dogs from campers who just open their doors and let their dogs out?

Do we have another Vancouver "Crab Park" on our hands, should no action be taken and things allowed to grow?

How soon before the spit and the beachfront area is taken over? When will the city act? 

Once upon a time, these campers were paying rent of some kind. Something for their shelter and housing. 

If you have made this a designated camping area, then at least charge a fee.

I trust that I am not the first to complain. I have faith and trust in our elected mayor, council, city bylaw and RCMP that things will improve.

Perhaps more signage is needed in both parking lots, and at the end of the road. Perhaps more enforcement is needed

I welcome back the  beautiful surroundings that once was Dick Murphy Park and the Spit. As do a great many.

Make Campbell River beautiful again, PLEASE!

Sheila Keats

Campbell River

UPDATE:  After receiving and publishing the above letter, we received a copy of a reply from the city's director of community safety, Jeff Ford. It has been added below...

Good afternoon Sheila,

Thanks for bringing these concerns forward.

Our bylaw officers have attended the Spit and confirmed, in part, what is likely RV parking in contravention of our bylaws.  We are preparing compliance letters to serve to those vehicle owners. 

We received one other complaint in relation to the Spit this past spring which related to camping on the beach and illegal RV parking.  In that instance, we ensured the owners and campers were aware of the bylaws and worked to ensure compliance. There were not as many non-compliant RVs at that time, so the recent increase is likely part of the seasonal trend we typically see.

Our bylaw enforcement team carries out both proactive patrols and responds to individual complaints.  As we can’t be everywhere all the time, public complaints are key to our process. I would encourage you to reach out directly to bylaw when you see what looks to be contravention of our bylaws.

As well, the areas we include in our proactive patrols are based on information that we receive from the public and trends our officers see.  We will add the Spit to some of our proactive patrols going forward.

I would add that the RCMP also regularly attend the Spit and move individuals along who are in breach of our bylaws.  The nature of the problem is such that the owners/RVs will leave for a period of time and return after the fact.  Regardless, we will do our best to address the complaints as they arise.

Feel free to reach out to me should you have additional concerns.


Jeff Ford

Director of Community Safety