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Shriners help out Maternity and Pediatric Department at Campbell River Hospital

The Campbell River Shrine Club recently made a special purchase of a telemonitoring system and breast pump for the Maternity and Pediatric Department at Campbell River Hospital.
It’s not just fun and games for Campbell River Shriners – they’re the guys who drive the go-karts in the Canada Day Parade – they also provide care for children and families in need through donations and fundraisers. File photo by Alistair Taylor – Campbell River Mirror

The Campbell River Shrine Club recently made a special purchase of a telemonitoring system and breast pump for the Maternity and Pediatric Department at Campbell River Hospital.

The tele-monitor enables staff to monitor patients from a central location, without this system, staff must go room to room hourly to check levels and reset alarms, increasing the chance of missing an alarm. Ongoing monitoring is needed in instances with children who have had tonsil or adenoid surgery to monitor their oxygen saturation as well as pediatric patients being treated for opioid withdrawal and Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, a common and extremely contagious condition. The ability to monitor patients continuously and from a central location will support medical staff in caring for the smallest patients.

Babies usually know what they need and how to breast feed, however, some circumstances, such as being born prematurely make it necessary to assist babies and their mothers to fulfill their nurturing needs. Breast pumps are an essential piece of equipment that allows new moms to express breastmilk, it can then be used to help babies learn to breast feed and to still feed breast milk when breastfeeding is not an option.

Shrines are a brotherhood of men committed to family, engaged in ongoing personal growth, and dedicated to providing care for children and families in need. Their backgrounds and interests are diverse but they are bonded together by shared values and a desire to have fun and do good while building relationships that can last a lifetime. The Campbell River Shrine Club members are grateful to be able to have donated over $64,000 in 2020 to assist the children of the Campbell River area. These donations were made possible through the generosity of one of their Nobles who bequeathed funds to the Campbell River Shrine Club in his will.

“Helping families purchase wheelchairs, new prosthetics, fund travel to one of our 22 non-profit medical facilities throughout North America that offer innovative care, free of charge, is the sole function of Shiners,” says Brian Kruse, President. “We are here to help, so if anyone thinks that the Shriners might be able to offer assistance to a child, do not hesitate to reach out to a Shriner that you may know.”

You can support the doctors, nurses and other key members of your local healthcare team, and help ensure that you and your loved ones continue to receive first-class healthcare right here at home by donating online at or calling (250) 286-7164.

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