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Nuyem: How a Legend is Told

Art+Earth Lecture with Shawn Decaire
Campbell River Arts Council Artist in Residence Shawn Decaire with some of his handmade bentwood boxes. Decaire created and gifted 60 boxes to residential school survivors and Indian day school survivors who attended the Truth and Reconciliation Day event in Campbell River Sept. 30. He will be presenting a series of cultural legends at the Tidemark Theatre on Nov 4. Photo contributed

How do we tell stories? How does the manner of our storytelling affect our understanding?

At the root of all cultures are stories, told to reinforce popular notions of a community as it reflects on itself.

But what does storytelling look like?

The Campbell River Arts Council will address this question in the 2023 Art+Earth Lecture to be held at the Tidemark Theatre on Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. Laxwaxdaxw artist Shawn Decaire, who is the Artist in Residence at the Walter Morgan Studio, will present a series of cultural legends on stage at the Tidemark.

Decaire will present the legends through a variety of mediums, including spoken word, visual art, dance, masks and regalia. Included in the evening will be legends of Laxwaxdaxw, Winalagalis (paddle dance), Dzunikwa, Madem, and The Bukus.

The Art+Earth Lecture aims to focus on the relationship between culture and the local environment, linking geography with our understanding of place and community. Environmental challenges cannot be separated from the enmeshed social issues of a place and time.

Shawn Decaire is a member of the Laxwaxdaxw people, the southernmost tribe of the Kwakwakawakwe Nation. He was born in Campbell River in 1981.

This will be a rare opportunity to experience local legends come to life on stage. Audience members can attend in person or live stream the event. Tickets for the Art+Earth Lecture are available by donation at the door, or for purchase on the Tidemark Theatre website at:

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